Sunday, November 3, 2019

Theories of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theories of Motivation - Essay Example The fifth level is of self actualization. Self actualization consists of fulfillment of goals and creativity. Need for fulfillment of goals is because one has this, he or she gains the desire to fully realize his or herself and become the best he or she is capable of becoming. the creativity part is needed for one to be creative about something then through this he or she gets dedicated and faces challenges which he or she enjoy and after accomplishing the results, he or she feels very enthusiastic about the deed and this motivates them1. Next is level four of needs which is on self esteem. Under self esteem, there is self respect and acceptance and brain power. Self respect and acceptance is all about prestige, reputation and recognition from others. This contains the desire of wanting to feel important, strong and significant and once one accepts him or herself the way they are, they tend to proud to stand with other people proudly. Brainpower is all about one displaying his or her talents and skills. With this, one gets attention from others which he or she appreciates as well as gaining self confidence2. Level three is on Love and Relationships which is inclusive of communication and response as well as validation. Communication and response is about having the desire to be loved and to love as well as have a sense of affection and belonging. Through this, one is able to communicate his or her inner feelings on love and affection to the party concerned. Validation is about joining various clubs and groups, being able to talk to others, contributing to society, marrying and having a family. With this, one is able to live life fully with family and friends and have a very satisfying life. Level two is family and work. Under this lies a social safety and security and survival skill. Social safety and security is all about the need to be safe from physical and psychological harm in ones daily life. When one is assured of his or her present safety, they will alw ays have trust in a safe future3. Survival skills are about working , saving for the future, improving skills and talents and wanting to be organized world. When one thinks about his or her future he or she gains the motivation to work very hard in life. Level one is all about one’s body. Under the body there is physical safety and survival skills again4. Physical safety and security is all about the need and enthusiasm one has of staying alive. This includes ensuring one has enough food, air and water to survive. About the survival skills it is all about eating, sleeping, taking care of bodily needs and being free from pain. The basis and value of this theory in understanding human motivation is the fact that human beings have lower needs as well that need to be satisfied in order to be whole as humans. â€Å"In this manner, Maslow's model indicates that fundamental, lower-order needs like safety and physiological requirements have to be satisfied in order to pursue higher- level motivators along the lines of self-fulfillment. As depicted in the following hierarchical diagram, sometimes called 'Maslow's Needs Pyramid' or 'Maslow's Needs Triangle', after a need is satisfied it stops acting as a motivator and the next need one rank higher starts to motivate†

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